What is ISO 14001 & why might you need it?
It is an undeniable fact that the world’s resources, which lessen gradually, are not endless, and that activities of the entities do not stay locally, yet, become global. ISO 14001 aims to encourage usage of advanced technologies that do not destroy the environment and resources, to attain sustainable development goals, to increase awareness and sensitivity of the consumers in this direction, to evaluate the environmental effects of products in their life circle, and to eliminate harmful products.

Benefits provided by ISO 14001 standard:

  • Environmental effects of company activities and environmental risks can be determined and controlled — therefore, factors affecting the environment negatively can be reduced
  • Costs resulting from environmental effects can be reduced
  • Compliance with laws and regulations concerning environment can be achieved
  • Environmental effects in emergency situations can be reduced or eliminated
  • Compliance with the legislation and regulations can be proven against public authorities with a documented environmental management system and by ISO 14001 certification
  • Companies gain prestige by providing recognition both at national and international levels
  • Environmental awareness increases among the employees by employee training
  • Employees are motivated through working in an entity that does not harm the environment
  • Environmental expectations of the consumers are met and the chance to reach and win conscious consumers rises
  • Resources are used efficiently (energy, water, etc.)
  • Pollution is controlled and reduced beginning from its source

How can you apply or learn more?
To apply or request more information about ISO 14001 certification you can contact one of our specialists directly via the contact form below.